Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Poland Issues Military Modernization Plan

Technical Modernisation of Polish Armed Forces 2013-2022

The "Technical Modernisation Plan" signed on December 11 and "Program of Development of Polish Armed Forces for years 2013-2022" approved earlier launched the new phase of modernisation of Polish army.

The documents are based on an assumption that threats for Poland, especially those connected with violating its borders will be of significantly low probability. Simultaneously, rising possibilities of appearing of asymmetric threats were assumed.

The fundamental objective of technical modernisation is development of operational capabilities of Polish Armed Forces including strengthening the national combat potential for realisation of national and allied commitments according to Art. 5 of Washington Treaty.

As Minister of National Defence Tomasz Siemoniak pointed out - "What we want is modern and efficient armed forces which will always be able to defend the sovereignty of our country, support the Allies and help in crisis. The percentage of means assigned for the most modern armament and the most important operational capabilities is rising."

The defence expenses planned for period from 2013 to 2016 amount about 135.5 billion PLN from which expenses for technical modernisation will equal about 37.8 billion PLN – 27.8% of the whole budget.

The expenses planned for 2017-2022 will amount about 273.2 billion PLN with 102,1 billion for technical modernisation what gives about 10% rise of expenses for technical modernisation, that is 37.3% of the budget.

The program assumes that Polish Armed Forces will number up to 120 000 soldiers including up to 20 000 soldiers of National Reserve Forces.

During constructing the "Program of Development of PAF for years 2013-2022" it was assumed that command, reconnaissance, destruction and action support capabilities will be treated as priority. Such capabilities as mobility, survival and protection of forces as well as ability to support non-military system in crisis situation including natural and humanitarian disasters will be developed harmoniously and developed to the properly high level.

The program plans means for developing all the capabilities, including air defence which is possible to be realised thanks to legal initiative of the Superior of the Armed Forces, supported by the government.

Moreover, the program says about development of mobility of forces and maintaining the combat capabilities of the Navy.

The particular branches of armed forces as well as support will develop through efficient and effective logistics. Investment in developing IT infrastructure and robotisation significantly rises, what will support soldiers ensuring them security and will make missions more successful.

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