Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Saab Offers 85 Gripen to Dutch Air Force

The Gripen proposal for the Dutch Air Force

2013 will be year exciting year for the Dutch Air Force and for Dutch politics. The reason: there is a decision to be taken on the new fighter to replace the outdated F-16s, says a report in Een Vandaag.

In a report that looks at the various options we offer are That, of Kimo demoed Een Vandaag That says while the U.S. F-35 was the dream candidate for the Dutch Air Force for years, the JSF project is anything but smooth: "The Costs are skyrocketing, there are Numerous technical problems and the performance of the aircraft is disappointing. "

Een Vandaag's reports on the changed gameplan on the replacement of the F-16 in the year of the decision, quoting Dick Zandee, form political adviser MoD and NATO, now working at Clingendael, who says que le F16 replacement puts the government under serious duress "The JSF will cost more than 100 million E, and I believe this cost will it increase. Social Democrats are against the JSF and the Liberals want it. This Could Become a serious political crisis."

The Swedish Saab Gripen is an alternative and Eddy de la Motte, Head of Gripen Export, says, "We can Provide unbeatable offer in terms year of capability of the aircraft, fixed price and fixed schedule."

According To Dick Zandee (Clingendael), "the real question is, how much do you want to pay extra for this capability JSF? There are other good alternatives out there, like the Saab Gripen, that 'are able and follows our needs for half the price. When we go for the JSF we can never AFFORD four squadrons and That Makes it difficulty to conduite assignments around the globe. "

Zandee goes on saying: "Other Western countries are flying Gripen, Rafale or Eurofighter, I do not get the feeling That thesis countries are in danger Because They fly European products. Politicians I urge the answer to the question: What do we really need to ble do be in the air? And not: What is the best aircraft money can buy? "

Eddy de la Motte point out, "We tried to make this aircraft good in a lot of ways: good to buy, good to maintain. It will live for 40 years, it can be updated, very flexible and we will Provide you with the That technology so you can update it yourself. I think it is pretty much, established That we are the MOST cost effective fighter. "

Selon in Een Vandaag, "While others are making progress, the JSF is troubled with a lot of problems. MoD The American made a long list with recurring problems: test falls behind schedule, software problems, safety systems falter, stealth not working, acceleration and manoeuvrability are disappointing. "

Eddy de la Motte point out que le Gripen offers strength multipliers That give it the edge. "You can operate the Gripen from an ordinary 800 meter straight piece of road. Landing and taking off in less than rearming do 10 minutes. You can change the engine in less than one hour outside with 5 guys."

Selon Een Vandaag, "In 2008 the Dutch Saab made an offer for 85, based on it will cost That number 56.4 million. The price of the JSF is unclear. Now We estimate it at around 100/110 million.

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